Kamis, 07 Mei 2009

Beberapa Helai Sajak, Beberapa Bait Rambut

BILA rambutmulah bait-bait sajak, maka aku mengambil penalalu kusalin sajak-sajak itu, dan kuhapalkan untuk memujamu.
BILA rambutmulah bait-bait sajak, maka aku mencari kata-katalalu kupersiapkan sajak-sajak indah, bagi tumbuh anak rambutmu.
BILA rambutmulah bait-bait sajak, maka aku akan mengajak angin,matahari dan dedaunan, membaca makna dan kemilau cahaya.
BILA rambutmulah bait-bait sajak, maka bolehkah aku berkhayalbahwa akulah penyair, penggubah keindahan itu helai demi helai?

Sabtu, 25 April 2009

puisi persahabatan

Kurayapi sekujur kesepianku
Mengundang angan dan sengat kumbang
Mata bintang yang diam dan berkelesatan
Menyuguhi harapan di semesta lenggang

Sampai kasih dan ingin terbentang
Membujuk pengembara merakah
Yang tenggelam di bawah kubang resah
Menanti dara cantik yang telah datang

Membujuk arah pengembara merambah
Terus mewangi aroma bunga cinta sampai ujung hari
Membangkitkan gairah sang pencinta dalam darah
Yang menentangkan kesenyapan sendiri

Ku temukan perempuanku
Dalam batas asa ku mengagumi sesok diri membaui
Dan membenamkan dua serpihan bintang
Yang memancarkan pesona terang

Ia selalu memintaku melukiskan kisah yang ada
Atas cinta terperi di dinding-dinding hati
Kami hanyalah sepasang pecinta mengharap sejati
Bersama berkelana dari waktu-kewaktu menjaga setia

Kenapa Diam Sahabat


6 Komentar

Mengapa Kau diam Sahabat?
Aku Diam Karena aku tidak ingin bicara
Aku menikmaati suasana Hening
Karena Hening dapat memberikan Nuansa

Tidak kah kau lihat mereka berbicara Sahabat?
Kenapa Kau memilh selalu diam
Aku Bukan mereka, aku tidak suka banyak bicara
Itu menunjukan meraka tidak Mempunyai Makna

Tidak Kah Kau Sakit atau Marah atas ulah mereka sahabat?
Marah? kenapa harus marah.. aku hanya tertawa
Lihatlah mereka, Badut-badut panggung melakonkan drama
Itulah Kwalitas Mereka yang tak bijaksana

Bukan kah diam tak menyelesakai Masalah Sahabat?
Kamu salah, Diam menjawab dengan seribu bahasa
Apakah tidak kau lihat congor mereka berbusa
Dengan kata-kata yang hanya sebuah bisa

lalu apa yang akan kau lakukan sahabat?
Aku hanya akan melihat dan terus tertawa
Melihat Ocehan badut-badut panggung itu disana
tidak kah kau terhidur oleh meraka

Kau betul sahabat ku yang sangat kucinta
Memang dengan banyak berbicara kita terlihat merana
Dengan diam kita bisa memaknai yang ada
Kau memang sahabat ku yang bijaksana.

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Untuk Mu Teman


2 Komentar

Langit hitam berbenang merah bersulam darah
Halilintar bergetar menebarkan tebaran getar
Lautan berbingkai bangkai melukis mati
Bumi berajah api membakar hati
Hutan berimba cahaya menyilaukan rasa
Semesta berbicara berakhirlah dunia

Halilintar menyambar melontarkan kabar berlontar mati
Darah melambai-lambai di atas periuk berduri
Jiwa berumbai-rumbai dalam dekapan mimpi
Rongga api di hentakan ke dasar bumi

Kepapakan gagak berapi suci
Meniadakan nafas yang telah pergi

Sinar seperti bayangan bulan mengelegar membuka pintu kematian
Sayatan pedang berduri tajam di tarik pelan
Nafas telah panas sudah saatnya pergi
Kembali kedaLam pusaran cahaya remang
Selamat jalan

Senin, 13 April 2009

bahasa inggris

For questions number 1 to 4, choose the best words to complete the passage!

My name is Alice. I ___1___ a sister, ___2___ name is Ann, and two brothers Joe and Philip. We have all hair and blue eyes, and we are all slim, except Joe. He is very fat. Ann is very pretty, and she has lots of boyfriends.

I look a bit like my father. I have ___3___ long nose and big mouth but I have my mother’s personality. Joe and Philip both look more like Mum.

We have two uncles and an aunt. Uncle George and Aunt Agnes have three young children. Uncle Edward is only thirteen, he ___4___ still a boy.

  1. a. has b. had c. have d. am e. are

  1. a. she b. her c. his d. he e. him

  1. a. she b. her c. his d. he e. him

  1. a. are b. were c. am d. was e. is

Read the text above to answer questions number 5 and 6!

  1. Who have a long nose and big mouth?
    1. Alice and her father d. Uncle George and his family
    2. Alice and her brothers e. Joe and Philip
    3. Kevin and uncle Edward

  1. “And we are all slim except Joe. He is fat.”

The underlined word has similar meaning to . . . .

    1. quite slim c. not bald e. quite tall
    2. very small d. not thin

  1. He often ________ his pen.
    1. Lose c. lost e. is losing
    2. Loses d. losing

  1. Andra : ______ you go to school by motorcycle?

Dani : No, I don’t.

    1. Is b. Does c. Are d. Do e. Did

  1. Julie : ______does your father drive the car?

Ananda : He drives 45 kilometer per hour.

    1. How high c. How far e. How long
    2. How fast d. How much

  1. He is going to telephone _______ five o’clock.
    1. on c. at e. of
    2. in d. for
  2. Mary is sitting ________her mother and her father.
    1. along c. among e. across
    2. between d. across



What does the notice mean?

    1. Do not throw rubbish in the room d. Do not safe the room
    2. Do not destroy everything in the room e. Do not sweep the room
    3. Do not keep everything in the room

  1. Maia : I saw you in the “BIG” Supermarket yesterday.

What did you buy there?

Meichan : Well. I ________soap, tooth paste and shampoo.

    1. buy c. was buying e. bought
    2. will buy d. is buying

  1. Arrange the following words into a good sentence.

ontrain weeveningbyleftSolofor - Saturday

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

a. 3- 6 – 8 – 7 – 5 – 2 – 1 – 9 – 4

b. 3 – 6 – 8 – 2 – 1 – 9 – 4 – 5 – 7

c. 3 – 6 – 8 – 7 – 1 – 9 – 4 – 5 – 2

d. 3 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 4 – 5 – 1 – 2

e. 3 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 4 – 9 – 5 – 1- 2

  1. Britney : Are you hungry, Luna?

Justin : No, but I’m ________ lets get some beverage.

Britney : Ok.

a. angry c. dizzy e. sleepy

b. stingy d. thirsty

  1. Find the sentence which has WRONG spelling!
    1. The people went to the field to play football.
    2. Acil likes milk whale Nisa doesn’t.
    3. The phone rang when she was sleeping.
    4. Ali is reading a newspaper while Ardian and Bardi are watching TV.
    5. Her mind was in whirl.

  1. Renald : Do you like wet season, Reagen?

Reagan : Of course, I like. I am a farmer.

The synonym of the bold word is _______.

    1. Autumn c. spring e. winter
    2. Rainy d. dry
  1. Mulan : There was an accident in this street yesterday.

Pinkan : How did it happen?

Mulan : a car hit a man when he was crossing the street ________.

    1. freely c. happily e. slowly
    2. lazily d. carelessly

  1. Minori : Which cap is yours?. This one or that one?

Takeshi : _______of them.

Minori : Are they?

Takeshi : Yes

a. Some c. both e. one

b. Each d. none

  1. Teacher : You’re late again. What happened this time?

Bobby : I overslept, Sir.

Teacher : ________ nobody woke you up?

Bobby : That’s right, Sir.

    1. But c. And e. However
    2. So d. nevertheless

  1. The followings are the way how to make a call.

1. Dial the number you want to call

2. Get the phone number from the book

3. Listen to the tone

4. Talk politely

a. 1 – 2- 3 – 4 c. 2 – 3 – 1 – 4 e. 1 – 3 – 2 - 4

b. 2 – 3 – 4 – 1 d. 2 – 1 – 3 - 4

  1. There are ______ books on the desk.
    1. any c. much e. an
    2. some d. a

  1. Is there ______ ink in that bottle?
    1. any c. much e. a lot of
    2. some d. many

  1. Dimas : “She is Luna Maya, ______ ?”

Heidy : “ You’re right. How beautiful she is!”

    1. does she c. is she e. hasn’t she
    2. doesn’t she d. isn’t she

  1. Aldi : “Coky wrote the short story, ______?”

Zyan : “Yes, he did.”

    1. did he c. does he e. isn’t he
    2. didn’t he d. doesn’t he

  1. Ms. Mega is in a florist.

Ms. Mega : “Hmmm ________! It’s nice and fragrant.

Florist : “Oh, that’s magnolia.”

Ms. Mega : “ Let me take a bunch.”

a. What is a beautiful flower d. What a beautiful flower is it

b. What flower is beautiful e. What is flower beautiful

c. What a beautiful flower it is

  1. Linda has five hundred rupiahs. Eva has two hundreds and fifty rupiahs. Anis has one hundreds rupiahs.

From the information above we can say, Linda has _______.

    1. much money than Eva d. much more money than all
    2. much more money than Anis e. least money of them
    3. less money than Anis

For question number 28-31, choose the best words t complete the passage!

The coach of the Indonesian basketball team calls a time out and instruct ___28___ players to change their strategy. He ___29___Jody to keep the ball as long as possible. Jody is good at dribbling the ball. His skill in controlling the ball is ___30___but he is not quite good at shooting. Togar is better at shooting and he is also the fastest player in the team. His only ___31___is that he is very thin and not very strong.

bahasa inggris

Example: Peter: "Did John clean the black shoes?"
Peter asked me _________________________________

Answer: Peter asked me if John had cleaned the black shoes.

1) Christopher: "Do you want to dance?"
Christopher asked me .

2) Betty: "When did you come?"
Betty wanted to know .

3) Mark: "Has John arrived?"
Mark asked me .

4) Ronald: "Where does Maria park her car?"
Ronald asked me .

5) Elisabeth: "Did you watch the latest film?"
Elisabeth asked me .

6) Mandy: "Can I help you?"
Mandy wanted to know .

7) Andrew: "Will Mandy have lunch with Sue?"
Andrew asked me .

8) Justin: "What are you doing?"
Justin asked me .

9) Frank: "How much pocket money does Lisa get?"
Frank wanted to know .

10) Anne: "Must I do the shopping?"
Anne asked

Example: Peter: "Did John clean the black shoes yesterday?"
Peter asked me _________________________________________

1) Mandy: "Are the boys reading the book?"
Yesterday Mandy asked me .

2) Jason: "Who gave you the laptop?"
Yesterday Jason wanted to know .

3) Robert: "Is Tim leaving on Friday?"
Yesterday Robert asked me .

4) Daniel: "Will it rain tomorrow?"
Yesterday Daniel asked me .

5) Jennifer: "Where do you play football today?"
Yesterday Jennifer wanted to know .

6) Nancy: "Why didn't Nick go to New York last summer?"
Yesterday Nancy wanted to know .

7) Barbara: "Must I do my homework this afternoon?"
Yesterday Barbara asked me .

8) Linda: "Did Max fly to London two weeks ago?"
Yesterday Linda wanted to know .

9) Grandmother: "Where are my glasses?"
Yesterday Grandmother asked me .

10) A man: "When does the train to Liverpool leave?"
Yesterday a man asked me

soal bahasa inggris

Example: Peter: "Did John clean the black shoes?"
Peter asked me _________________________________

Answer: Peter asked me if John had cleaned the black shoes.

1) Christopher: "Do you want to dance?"
Christopher asked me .

2) Betty: "When did you come?"
Betty wanted to know .

3) Mark: "Has John arrived?"
Mark asked me .

4) Ronald: "Where does Maria park her car?"
Ronald asked me .

5) Elisabeth: "Did you watch the latest film?"
Elisabeth asked me .

6) Mandy: "Can I help you?"
Mandy wanted to know .

7) Andrew: "Will Mandy have lunch with Sue?"
Andrew asked me .

8) Justin: "What are you doing?"
Justin asked me .

9) Frank: "How much pocket money does Lisa get?"
Frank wanted to know .

10) Anne: "Must I do the shopping?"
Anne asked

Example: Peter: "Did John clean the black shoes yesterday?"
Peter asked me _________________________________________

1) Mandy: "Are the boys reading the book?"
Yesterday Mandy asked me .

2) Jason: "Who gave you the laptop?"
Yesterday Jason wanted to know .

3) Robert: "Is Tim leaving on Friday?"
Yesterday Robert asked me .

4) Daniel: "Will it rain tomorrow?"
Yesterday Daniel asked me .

5) Jennifer: "Where do you play football today?"
Yesterday Jennifer wanted to know .

6) Nancy: "Why didn't Nick go to New York last summer?"
Yesterday Nancy wanted to know .

7) Barbara: "Must I do my homework this afternoon?"
Yesterday Barbara asked me .

8) Linda: "Did Max fly to London two weeks ago?"
Yesterday Linda wanted to know .

9) Grandmother: "Where are my glasses?"
Yesterday Grandmother asked me .

10) A man: "When does the train to Liverpool leave?"
Yesterday a man asked me

kimia [alkali]

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